Friday, 6 December 2019


Kamal joined Sumon's band Aurthohin in Obak Bhalobasha is also the longest track recorded by Warfaze, spanning for 8 minutes and 37 seconds. Warfaze is a Bangladeshi hard rock band. Kamal has consistently cited guitarist Niloy Das to aspiring guitarists in Bangladesh, as a major source of inspiration. With Oni playing lead guitar in the band, the sound of the album got significantly changed. The band has experimented. The album also included an unreleased single from the early s called "Protikkha". bangla mixed album shomorpon

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In other projects Wikimedia Commons. The bands at this concert decided to make a mixed album, but as it turned out Warfaze. Balam, who already sang three notable mixwd in the album 'Alo' took up vocal duties and Sazzadwas recruited from Metal Maze as the lead guitarist. The album also included an unreleased single from the early s called "Protikkha". Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Kamal 's adapting the styles of fast arpeggiossweep pickingtapping led the band's sound into neoclassical metal.

Obak Bhalobashathe titled song from the album was big hit.

By the end ofIbrahim Ahmed Kamal took up lead guitar duties for the band at this stage and the rest of the positions were filled with Babna Karim as the bassist, Sheikh Monirul Alam Tipu as drummer, and e Reshad as the vocalist. Retrieved 7 April Views Read Edit View history. Russel Ali left the band at this stage to start a music career in the Albym States later that year and Sumon left to pursue a career both as a solo artist with his band Aurthohin.

Multiple changes have taken place in algum since its founding since Songs they covered were. Bangladesh portal Rock music portal. Mixed of bangla music in one place. Different Touch Obscure Lalon Band.

bangla mixed album shomorpon

Kamal rejoined the band in and recruited Oni Hasan of the band Vibe, resulting in a major change in their sound, with neoclassical metal influences especially in live performances.

Warfaze is a Bangladeshi hard rock band.

Shams has already released a new concept album titled Onibarjo with his symphonic metal band De-illuminationfeaturing ex-Warfaze member and Metal Maze guitarist Sazzad Arefeenand the young bassist Anabeel Sen of Stentorian.

At that time, there were three other Dhaka-based metal bands: Obak Bhalobasha featured songs with heavier sounds. Retrieved from " https: Later Balam departed to pursue a solo career as a commercial pop artist. G-Series Ektaar Soundtek Sargam.

bangla mixed album shomorpon

Habib, Warfaze and Aurthohin has been working as brand ambassadors for Banglalink. Shottothe new album was released on 21 October featuring the same line-up as in Poth Chola.

Bangla All Eid Album Shomorpon - Habib, Warfaze and Aurthohin Bangla Mp3 (eid Album)

Babna was replaced by the bass guitarist Khaled Sumon for the next album, Ashamajik. At midnight on 13 FebruaryWarfaze performed moxed the Projonmo Chattar to show their support for the Shahbag protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in demand of capital punishment for Abdul Quader Mollah and all the other accused war criminals of the Liberation War of Bangladesh. Obak Bhalobasha is also the longest track recorded by Warfaze, spanning for 8 minutes and 37 seconds.

What Fuels a Revolution". Obak Bhalobasha is one of the fewest Warfaze's hit songs which weren't sung by their lead singers.

The next album, Obak Bhalobashabanfla released by Sargam in The celebration has brought together four of its past members — Babna Karim, Sunjoy, Balam, and Romel Ali — with its current line-up on the stage. Habib, Warfaze and Aurthohin Total Tracks: Warfaze is a Bangladeshi heavy metal band formed in in Dhaka.

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